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Phase 2 Findings

The Nature and Us Phase 2 Report was published in January 2023. It summarises the findings from the second phase of the national conversation on what future we want for our natural environment. 

Phase 1 of Nature and Us highlighted concerns people have about the natural environment, what they wish the future of the natural environment could look like and how society needs to change. You can access the phase 1 report by clicking "Phase 1 report" on the top menu bar. 

Phase 2 of Nature and Us aimed to address the gaps in the audiences that were involved with phase 1. It did this through targeted public events in local communities and by holding focus groups with specific under-represented groups. It tested the interpretation of the phase 1 findings with people who had taken part in the survey, and collected narratives and personal experiences to help shape the vision.

Nine ‘future’ statements were developed which represent the main themes that arose from the thematic analysis of the phase 1 findings. These statements were used to explore possible futures and their impact on daily life, and to identify common barriers and motivators for different visions of the future across groups.

The report’s findings draw upon the views of:

-  286 roadshow survey respondents

-  305 online survey respondents (phase 1 participants) 

-  98 focus group participants 

The conversations around the 9 statements that informed the report were also captured in 9 audio works by independent recording artists Storyworks UK. To hear the views from people and what they had to say about the statements, you can listen to these audio works below.

Click button to download the transcript of all audio works

Transcript of all audio works

Headline findings

The report shows that the approach was effective in involving  individuals who might not otherwise have contributed to the national conversation. Its main findings are:

  • ​Phase one participants were mostly supportive of the changes set out across the nine future statements, and very few respondents thought that there were gaps in the themes addressed. This suggests that this cohort agreed with our interpretation of the phase one findings.   
  • Very few people questioned the benefit these nine future statements would have for nature.
  • People who got involved at roadshow events and through taking part in focus groups were also broadly supportive of the changes described across the nine statements. However there were some differences and the desire to live in those futures was not quite as strong. The differences between the research cohorts suggest that the people who got involved with Nature and Us in phase 1 were more engaged and committed to environmental and sustainability issues than those who engaged with the conversation for the first time during phase two. 
  • Future statements around ‘green spaces’, ‘shopping for things’, ‘recycling’ and ‘buying food’ found most consensus across all groups, whereas ‘energy use’ and ‘land management’ generated stronger, mixed opinions. The ‘staycation’ and ‘travelling around’ statements were identified as futures in which people would less likely see themselves living. 

Some of the common barriers and motivators which account for contributors’ views and responses included:

  • what people feel they have control over 
  • whether they are already doing the desired behaviour
  • whether change is practical and realistic
  • what change will achieve the greatest positive impact 
  • where the greatest need for urgent action is
  • the cost and affordability of change
  • the inconvenience and inaccessibility of change

Overall, the themes covered by the nine statements provide a useful framework for conversations about a nature positive future. Nature and Us will reflect upon, and address each of the common influences above to improve the way the vision and themes are communicated with the public. 

What next

We are now working with a Citizens’ Assembly to develop a shared vision for the natural environment of Wales in 2050, and the steps needed to take us there. The Citizens’ Assembly will be made up of 50 individuals from across Wales and will meet over three sessions during February and March to answer the following questions: 

  • What does the future look like when society and nature thrive together? 
  • What benefits would we see if this happened? 
  • What needs to be different from today? 
  • And, what steps do we in Wales need to take to reach a thriving future? 

We have been working with a group of organisations from across Wales to design the Assembly, to agree the focus of this work, and to ensure a balanced range of evidence is presented. The Citizens’ Assembly will review the Nature and Us findings and wider work to help shape the shared vision. This shared vision will then inform how we and others work together, providing a compass point for us all to work towards, and inspiring action for nature and for people now and into the future.